Corporate Giving from Delta Dental of Arkansas

At Delta Dental of Arkansas, we believe it’s important to give back to our communities, not only by offering quality, affordable dental and vision insurance, but also by supporting programs that improve the quality of life in our state. Through financial support and community engagement, we support causes that will have the greatest impact in Arkansas.

In considering contributions, the Delta Dental Corporate Giving Committee evaluates each application on its own merits. It considers the program in which the organization is engaged, the constituencies it serves, the services it offers, its accountability, and its fund-raising practices.


Corporate Giving Prioritized Areas

Contributions are prioritized in two key areas: health and human enrichment and civic/community affairs.

  • Health and Human Enrichment: Delta Dental provides support to organizations working in the health and human services fields, including organizations serving children and families, seniors, low to moderate income individuals, minorities, disabled, and at-risk individuals.
  • Civic/Community Affairs: Support is also provided to organizations that promote education, arts/recreations and community development, including economic development opportunities for local companies and civic groups. In this category, Delta Dental supports organizations whose goals are determined to best meet the needs of their local communities.

Delta Dental provides support to local projects or programs with careful consideration given to each request. Each request is reviewed in terms of its general eligibility and conformity with Delta Dental's guidelines, the available funds, the amount needed to achieve the desired results and the program's priority.


Submit a Corporate Giving Request

If your organization is interested in seeking funding from Delta Dental, please complete our Corporate Giving Request Form and return it to us at

For all requests to be considered, they must be submitted at least four months prior to the deadline with the completed form and all supporting documentation to qualify for consideration.              

Corporate Giving