Super Smiles at School Mini Grants

Promoting positive oral health outcomes for school-aged youth


The Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation Super Smiles at School Mini Grant opportunity seeks to expand oral health education and treatment by partnering with early childhood centers and public schools to directly impact early childhood, primary, secondary, and post-secondary students.

Grants are awarded up to $2,500 to support Arkansas based non-profits, governmental agencies, and educational facilities to address oral health in their communities. Focus areas typically funded through Super Smiles at Schools mini grants include:







Provide students with oral health materials (toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, etc.) Did you know that many families cannot afford these basic supplies and often share one toothbrush for the entire household? This leads to the transfer of bacteria and can cause gum disease and decay.


Use classroom instruction time to educate students on the importance of oral health. The development of good oral hygiene habits start in childhood, and this knowledge empowers kids to have better oral health for life!


Implement a program where a trained school nurse completes oral health assessment for students. See Super Smiles at School Folder Program. A quick screening can detect oral health problems before they become serious issues that cause the child pain and cause them to miss school.


Implement a program for a trained school nurse to administer fluoride varnish application under the supervision of a qualified physician. This simple preventive measure is a great defense against decay in children’s teeth and only takes a few minutes.


Implement a program that connects students to routine dental treatment. For children who don’t have a regular dentist and families that don’t have dental coverage, our program helps connect them to the care and resources they need.

Interested organizations are encouraged to register and apply through our online grant management site.



Grant Process

Applications are accepted year round from January to December. Applications are evaluated on the first and third Thursday of every month. Completed applications must be received by Thursday the week before meetings. Funding decisions are published on the first and third Friday of every month. Approved applicants can expect to receive funding two weeks after decision notification. Final reports are due with 60 days of the grant termination date entered into the application.




Grant applications are evaluated on the following areas:

Project Overview

Project has a clear oral health focus impacting school aged youth

Project Plan & Support

Project is thoroughly planned providing details for key activities with clear involvement and support from collaborative partners


Project has attainable goal supported by detailed objectives


Project plan is supported through items/purchases identified by line items in budget



Super Smiles at School Resource Folder

Our Super Smiles at School Folder is a resource for schools seeking grant funds to implement an Oral Health Risk Assessment and Fluoride Varnish project in their school. This resource contains a step-by-step guide for implementing this project at your school, as well as all student and parent forms. Click below to download this free resource. For questions about how to request grant funds to use in conjunction with this resources, contact the Foundation staff.




The Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation welcomes applicants from the state of Arkansas with active programs dedicated to improving the oral health and oral health equity of Arkansans.

The Foundation funds nonprofit organizations with active programs in the state of Arkansas holding a current tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, governmental agencies and educational facilities. The Foundation cannot award grants to individuals.




The Super Smiles at Schools Mini Grant evaluation committee is comprised of Delta Dental of Arkansas Employees. These employees dedicate time outside of the role to evaluate applications for the Foundation.



    Foundation Super Smiles at School Mini Grant FAQs

  • How do I access the application?

    Our application is available online through Foundant, our grant management site.

  • What organizations are eligible to apply?

    The Foundation encourages Arkansas-based nonprofit or community organizations holding a current tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, governmental agencies and educational facilities to apply. The Foundation cannot award grants to individuals.

  • Does my organization have to be qualified as a school to apply?

    The Foundation encourages any organization meeting the requirements above who partners with a local school or works with school aged youth to apply.

  • Can I contact Foundation staff to discuss my grant ideas?

    Yes! The foundation staff welcomes discussions with potential applicants. You can request a call by emailing

  • How can funds be used by grantees?

    Funding received from The Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation must be used for the project’s stated purposes as identified in the approved proposal.

  • When can I expect my funding?

    If the application is approved, funds should be received within 2 weeks of funding notification.

  • If I applied last year, can I apply again this year?

    Yes, absolutely. You will have an opportunity in the application to tell us how your ideas and initiative have evolved since last year.

  • Can my organization apply for more than one Super Smiles at School Mini Grant?

    Yes, an organization can apply for multiple Super Smiles at School Mini Grants as long as each grant proposal identifies a different project with different goals and objectives.

  • How do I obtain the Super Smiles at School Mini-Grant Folder?

    Complete the contact form below the FAQs to obtain a physical copy of the Super Smiles at School Folder.

  • Do I have to report back to the Foundation about my grant?

    Yes, the Foundation requires a final grant report be submitted within 60 days of the grant termination date identified by the applicant.

  • Who should I contact with additional questions?

    For additional questions, please send an email to



Foundation Contact Form

Super Smiles in Schools